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Gutter Services in Charlottesville, VA

Sentry Exteriors is the leading provider of gutter services in Charlottesville, VA. For over 25 years, we’ve attended to and completed our customers’ gutter needs. We’ll make dependable repairs and installations to your gutter systems and routine maintenance and upkeep. Homeowners choose us for our quality selection of seamless gutters and gutter guards sourced from superior industry brands. We offer swift gutter cleaning services to keep your exteriors working functionally year-round. Contact us today to receive the highest customer service for your gutter systems.

Meet the Team

Our team comprises seasoned professionals with over 25 years of experience in fulfilling gutter systems. From installation, repair and maintenance, our team is dependable and completely focused on homeowners’ needs. We’re dedicated to providing you with top-grade gutters that last you years.

Get to know our trusted professionals before scheduling your appointment:

ben novak

Ben Novak


Ben Novak has worked in the gutter industry for almost 10 years. Originally from New Hampshire, Ben moved to Virginia to major in finance at Liberty University. Ben graduated with an MBA and began his career. When he's not hard at work with our company, you can find Ben fly fishing, hiking and skiing, as well as studying web3 and buying and selling NFTs.

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Krystal Jernigan

Office Administrator

Krystal manages and streamlines our office, ensuring our day-to-day operations run smoothly and efficiently. Krystal graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi before joining our team. Krystal lives in Louisa, VA with her husband and two children. In her spare time, Krystal enjoys reading and spending time with her family, fulfilling the role of Girl Scout leader and board member for the Millennium Mover Dance Team.

Sam Mallow

Sam Mallow

Lead Gutter Technician

Sam graduated from the University of Virginia with an undergrad in Religious Studies in 2022 and has been working for us ever since. Sam grew up in Charlottesville, VA and has plans to be here long term, hoping to raise a family here one day! When he's not working, Sam is with his beloved wife Lindsay and the two of them enjoy being together, with their families and friends, and worshiping at their local church. Sam is grateful for his lot in life as a husband, brother, son, friend, citizen, and employee.

Ty Smith


Ty enjoys all things outdoors, including hunting, fishing, hiking and more! Family means everything to him and his WHY for each day. Ty is the proud dad of three beautiful children who do everything with him. In his free time, Ty loves watching football. GO PACK GO!

Paige Van Veghel


When not working, Paige and her husband love wading the river and kayaking as often as possible. Paige has been blessed with a step daughter and two step sons who she thoroughly enjoys baking and playing games with. Paige is also a big fan of traveling to Wisconsin to visit her family!

a hand cleaning leaves from gutter of a house

We Add a Personal Touch to Service

At Sentry Exteriors, we’ve staked our reputation on providing the best customer service for over two decades. We understand that our customers don’t simply seek gutter products—they want a terrific customer experience, too. Our team pledges to deliver personalized customer service that fulfills your gutter needs through and through. Our hands-on approach to service attends to your specific preferences and desires. Whether guiding you through our selection of top-tier products or completing your large-scale installation, we assure you total care, attention and satisfaction. We’re a local business devoted to customer happiness, and we’re here to serve you next.

Contact Us for an Appointment Today

We have the most suitable gutter solution for your needs. Our friendly and seasoned team will guide you through our services during your appointment, explaining our products so you can decide on the best choice for you. Our professionals complete gutter repairs and installations, restoring your gutters and improving the overall quality of your home. We will assess your gutter issue during an inspection, provide a detailed estimate and set to fulfilling your services. Our team is on standby to answer your questions, address your concerns and guide you to the perfect gutter solution.

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